February 28, 2013

Essence of the Mundakopanishad

Cosmic Yoga Foundation Thodupuzha, Pranayogakriya, Meditation, Healing, Kriyayoga, Sadhguru, Self realization, Exclusive, Uppukunnu, Divyathma Sree Yogananda Sreeraj

1. The knowledge which is a means to the attainment of the highest Brahmam can be    attained only by the grace of the preceptor, after one's having renounced all desire and egoism, and having acquired the four means of salvation.

2. Brahmam is not grasped by the senses as it is subtle and infinite, but is realized by the intellect purified through knowledge and meditation.

3. The individual soul attains liberation through the knowledge of Brahmam.

4. Just as rivers, when flowing into the ocean, become one and the same with it, so also he who knows Brahmam becomes identical with Brahmam.

5. The fruits of sacrifice are but perishable and transitory.

6. Cultivate discrimination, dispassion, austerity, faith, concentration, love for solitude, for the attainment of immortality and eternal bliss.

7. Seek the knowledge of Brahmam from a qualified teacher and is established in Brahmam.

8. There are two kinds of Vidya; Apara (the lower) and the Para (the higher). The former is founded on the four Vedas and the six Vedangas. The latter refers to Brahmam which is all-pervading, immortal, indivisible and self-luminous.

9. Just as a spider projects the web out of its body and then again withdraws it into itself, so also Brahmam projects this world and then withdraws it into itself.

10. Brahmam is a target to be penetrated by meditation on Oam.

11. Brahman is the immortal Soul, the one warp of the world and the individual souls, the self-luminous light of the worlds, full of bliss, omnipresent. It is in front, behind, above, below, to the right and to the left, and shines with all splendour in the heart of all.

12. Spiritual discipline, ethical duties and spiritual practices enable the aspirants to attain the knowledge of the Supreme Self.

13. Meditation will help the aspirants to develop dispassion, discrimination, faith, purity, and attain immortality and eternal bliss.

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