Mystery of Sadguru Yogasree Yogiraj's Life
Mystery of Yogasree Yogiraj's Life
Yogasree Yogiraj (Divyathma Sree Yogananda Sreeraj) spends nearly many decades to develop Pranayogakriya as a complete solution to overcome the wretchedness of human race. To attain this goal he lead an ascetic life and observe penance in 12 consecutive years. He sacrifices himself and experiences all the agonies to reach to the Mystery of Life. Those bitter experiences and sheer sacrifice provides him an inner eye and extra sensory power to identify the problems of individuals from root level.
It is true that there are things beyond the sensory perfection. Yogasree Yogiraj developed extra sensory perfection (Clairvoyance) in 1990. It feels higher level of energy and perceives the energy body of others. It was decided to make use of the attainment for the benefit of the human being. He could turned the mind of the person who approached him into silent by passing the energy in the 1st meeting itself. Sadguru noticed that illness and disorders of a person are curing when he supplies the energy directly or over phone. Then he started meditation 41 days without food and water for a good result to make use of this virtue for the benefit of the people. In the meditation he visualized simple system of Deep Meditation called Pranayogakriya by which he cures your illness easily without any medicines. Curing illness is the primary stage of purification of one’s mind and body. Pranayogakriya is a simplified power full tool for Self-realization. The ultimate goal of Pranayogakriya is the total purification of human beings.
Sadguru practices the healing system successfully on many patients’ affected traditional and chronic deceases etc. To introduce the new system of healing, meditation and fasting have been conducting 21 days in every year. In the year 2005 he started 21 days of fast and meditation in a forest near Uppukunnu. More and more people are interested in accepting the Pranayogakria as it has both material and spiritual aspects. They started an ashram at Uppukunnu in the year 2010 for meditation and classes for developing personality, for to enable them to cure deceases and improving their spiritual aspects.
"Hare Vandanam"

One mystical life.
ReplyDeleteThe Great Guru, He is a one of the greatest Guru and Guide for me.