Upanishad divided knowledge (vidya) in two categories. One is ‘Paravidya’ and another is ‘Aparavidya’. All Vedas ( Rig-Yajur-Sama-Adarva),Shiksha, (phonetics, phonology and morphophonology) Kalpa (Ritual), Vyakarana (grammar), Nirukta ( etymology), Chandas (meter), Jyotisha (Astrology) are reffred as Aparavidya.
Paravidya is eternal (Brahma). The only way to knowing/studying this knowledge is experiencing it. So this knowledge has its own dignity than all other knowledge. Because of these reason Paravidya can be studied only through a self-realized master.
(One who has read this content very openly (without any prejudgment) can experience Guruji’s blessings within no time.)
Paramasiva refered as the first yogi from Himalaya who attains and teaches Paravidya to sages.
Paramasiva teach Paravidya to his 7 great disciples. Siva himself referred Agasthyamuni is his best disciple. These 7 sages moves to seven places literally 7 continents. Agasthyamuni moves to India. In his huge life span he travels all over India and spread this knowledge to all over India.
Mahavathar Babaji
The great disciple of Agasthyamuni. Believes he still living in Himalaya.
Lahiri Mahasaya
The great disciple of Mahavathar Babaji. He has an important role to spread Paravidya to ordinary people. He simplified the teaching method so is easily practice by ordinary people.
Yukteswar Giri
One of the greatest disciples of Lahiri Mahasaya. He has a main roll to spread Paravaidya to European countries. For this mission he trained and transformed his best disciple ParamahansaYogananda perfectly.
Paramahansa Yogananda
The great master who spread Paravidya to all over the world. He shows the greatness of Paravidya to the world throughout his mystical life and even after his death. His body not showed any indication of decaying till 21 days after his death. Still spreading his great knowledge about yoga through his great Autobiography ‘The Autobiography of a Yogi’.
Yogasree Yogiraj (Divyathma Sree Yogananda Sreeraj)
He is the greatest master who more simplified Paravidya in the name of ‘Pranayogakriya’. So disciples can attain Pranayogakriya easily without any tough steps in Yoga.(yama-niyama-asana-pranayama-prathyahara-dharana).
In many previous lives Yogiraj delegated to teach this Paravidya to his disciples. After a certain period of time in his life, He recollected all the memories and knowledge attained in his previous lives. So in this life Yogiraj not needed a physical master to attain this knowledge. But he gets directions in his deep meditation from his real ‘Guru’ Paramahasa Yoganadaji itself.
To simplify Paravidya to Pranayogakria Guruji needed 12 years of heavy meditation and fasting. In the first year 41 days of continues fasting without food and water. After that 21 days of continues fasting in every year till the 12th year. These 21 days continues fasting is related to the Mahasamadhi of ParamahansaYogananda. Guruji started his fasting at the same day of Mahasamadhi of ParamahansaYogananda which is 7th of March. These 21 days, March 7 to 28 ParamahansaYoganda’s body kept in California without any indication of decaying. Unknowingly Guruji also selected the same date for his continues fasting.
Now also in every year in March all disciples are doing fasting to be a part of Guruji’s sacrifice. Many disciples are doing fasting and meditation in this time and achieve great joy and relaxation. Many have extra sensory perception experiences. Many can attain the great heights of mind and wisdom. The bases of all these blessings are the great sacrifice done by our beloved Guruji 'Yogasree Yogiraj'.

Very Interesting Post.