Renovation of Water to Divine Medicine
Renovation of Water to Divine Medicine (Accumulation of Cosmic Energy into Water)
It was a greatest movement in my life when our respectful Guruji give us a live demonstration of the effective use of cosmic energy and water in day to day life. As a beginner in self understanding and meditation (Pranayogakriya), this was one of the greatest real life experiences and unforgettable movement in my whole life. It was our 3rd year of practice, Guruji gave us a live demonstration of how we can accumulate purified energy (Cosmic Energy) into the five essentials (Panjabhoota). Water is preferred by Guruji for doing this demonstration.
To perform this transformation of normal water to divine medicine we ready with two small crystal glasses of pure water by the instruction of Guruji. In the first step of the demonstration Guruji kept one glass of water in his left palm. After correcting the position of left palm he covered the glass with his right hand on the top. We saw that all the primary steps are perfectly completed, he closed his eyes and start passing the divine energy to the water from the bottom and top. This mystical process completed in 30 seconds.
(After this process, Guruji teaches us how we know, energy accumulated in the water perfectly or not. While doing this process, we feel very heaviness in the water. At the end, we feel very difficult to hold the glass of water because of its high weight. It is the perfect time to stop the process because the energy accumulated in the water perfectly)
Then we started to compare the energized water with normal water. We amazingly found that the energized water is completely changed into divine medicine.
First, We compare it by seeing
When we see through the normal water, it was so easy to see the other side, but we felt difficulty to see through the divine medicine because of its thickness also feels like some minerals added in it.
Second, We taste it
The normal water tastes nothing. But the divine medicine tastes totally different. We felt taste of some metal in it. Like copper or brass and also we feel tastes of some unknown materials.
Third, We drink it
The most amazing feeling I got when I drink it. I could feel the way from mouth to stomach. It was very cool. I feel very high energy while drinking and felt like electrified. From my head region to bottom some waves of energy passed through my skin. I think we cannot express it with words. Only we can experience it.
This water transformed divine medicine mainly used as a healing material internally. Many times I have seen some patients recovered easily by using this divine medicine from their stomach ulcer, internal bleeding, acidity, stomach problems, piles, urinary infections, etc. At first Guruji himself made this and give to them. After the critical stage Guruji teaches them how to do this transformation of water to divine medicine by self and how to use it.
Water is most energy receiving material in the five essential (Panjabhoota). The human body also receives an abundant amount of cosmic energy because of 2/3 part of the human body is water. Likewise the major part of the earth is also constructed of water itself, so the earth is the most energy receiving planet in the cosmos.
( From : Pranayogakriya Journal,2014 )

Must read very interesting information........