Spiritual Rebirth
Spiritual Rebirth Ceremony (Initiation ceremony) of new comers are arranged every first Friday of each month. In every important function our divine master arrives at the right time and he changes the atmosphere very suddenly. After make the fully fresh and positive atmosphere for the Initiation ceremony Guruji give instructions to start the initiation processes for the new disciples. During the Maha - Satsang on last December, Yogiraj described about the experience and importance of the initiation process (Deeksha) or the second birth of a human being.
When a soul (Consciousness) attains equal amount of Punya (Blessing) and Pap (Sin) after its many previous births in different forms, that time a soul can get a chance to birth again as a human being. In this human life, the consciousness (Soul) could achieve its final goal - ‘mukthi’ (Salvation). Because of this reason every soul with equal Punya and Pap will find its appropriate space in the universe to rebirth again. The vibration of consciousness attract the same frequency of other souls, due to this continuous vibration will make a link with other souls and find out his future Mother. Finally this connection make a path to enter the soul (Consciousness) into the Mother’s womb which have the same frequency and many other similarities. This consciousness will grow as a baby and birth after 9 months. This process will called the physical birth or 1st birth of a person.
The second birth is completely in a new different dimension. The second birth can only be analyze through spiritual aspects. Our Guruji Yogiraj many times explained and taught us that a person who make his mind happy during any activity and makes other minds also happy, this is called Punya (Blessing). Likewise a person who makes his own mind unhappy or makes others minds unhappy, this is referred as a Pap (Sin). Each and every human being make this Punya and Pap during his life cycle, after a certain period (this will varying on time, space and individual) of life time someone can reach a critical stage of karma, in this stage he have same amount of Punya and Pap. This is the movement where he will get a chance to meet his guru - A self realized master. During this very meeting , self realized Guru will give him a second birth and a new spiritual life.

The initiation process is like a surgery, this could make rebirth person life more happy and beautiful. A real Guru can opens doors of the his mind and energy chakras of his spiritual body. During this process guru absorb some amount of Pap from the new disciple’s aura , this surgery will clean the aura and make balanced energy level in his entire body. After this rebirth he can get a chance to increase the amount of Punya by doing the ‘kriya’ (Pranayogakriaya) with guruji's direction.
One soul is bounded with Punya and Pap (called Sanjitha Karma). All activity that we are done and doing makes deposit to sanjitha karma. Sanjitha karma directly linked to 7 generations beyond (father, mother and their six generations behind). Due to this link we can get abilities and disabilities. The goodness from our previous birth are become abilities and sin become disabilities.
After a physical birth we have a choice to do either goodness or sin. If we don’t clean our sin by using cosmic energy, this all bad ability will transferred to next generation. So both abilities and disabilities also transferred to next generation. After 2nd rebirth the energy body will more power full than previous birth ,due to this reason we can avoid to transfer the disabilities to next generation with the help of a Guru. After the development of a power full aura by a Guru, he can get a chance to eliminate all his disabilities and he can more clarify his good abilities. The proper utilization of cosmic energy we can remove all the limitations from our root. Receiving more and more cosmic energy from a refined soul (Guru) will break all his generic bonds. His past seven generations and seven future generations will be cleared from all the generic bonds. If someone clears his generic bonds that means he is travelling towards to salvation. So refined soul with abundant energy is the only way for a person to achieve his salvation.
In physical birth a human can attain his knowledge only through his 5 senses (sound, sight, touch, smell, taste). But after the second birth a human being can receive high level knowledge through his Guru’s energy body. Expansion of a human consciousness will leads to a new dimension of life experience through a self realized Master. Everyone can receive this knowledge from Guru’s energy body through Conversation, Self meditation, Satsang, and Co-operation. This knowledge through experience will develop our extra sensory perfection skills. It also increases the ability of our 5 senses and mind.
In this universe every soul is in a search to conquer the real meaning of its existence by knowingly or unknowingly. The first birth gives limited perception to life. But second rebirth gives a new dimension of understanding. This helps to achieve the ultimate goal of our life.

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