The Essence of Veda, Upanishad - Pranayogakriya

Pranayogakriya is a high energy meditation technique developed by
Sadguru Sree Divyathma Yogananda Sreeraj. Pranayogakriya is an enjoyable and healthful practice that helps you move,breathe, and live with greater joy and ease, and experience life with a peaceful sense of well-being. Body and breath move as one to unite and purify mind, body, and spirit. As you ease toward the quiet within, all "doing" comes to rest and just "being" becomes effortless.
Prana is simply life force energy. All living things and the Universe itself consist of this energy. Breath is our own amazing and yet tangible experience of prana, so naturally, awareness of our breath - which Pranayogakriya emphasizes - enables us to experience our personal connection to the Universe. As we follow breath beyond our physical limits and active minds, we uncover our true nature of peace and bliss, and our most authentic Self comes to life. Pranayogakriya is a self-honoring way to achieve yoga's ultimate goal: to become centered and balanced in the union of all that we are, and experience the freedom and bliss of simply being.
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