Great Experiences after Second Birth
Great guru's always do great things, for me this has happened in a different way which I describe underneath.
After first meeting with Yogiraj, and the initiation, some big changes happened in my life. The main thing is that I could feel the flow of cosmic energy through my body. First, it was happening only during the Satsangh, the same feeling started coming when I practiced Pranayogakriya at home also. Within a few months that stage also changed. Whenever my mind got concentration I start feeling it.
Yogiraj taught me that,
“If you experienced any kind of sensations at the time of meditation (Pranayogakriya), you need not fear or doubt it. First accept it. Second, try to analyse it. And third go deep into it”.
(Now I can receive more and more amount of purified cosmic energy (Chaithanya) from the Yogiraj’s energy body through the cosmic connection between me and Yogiraj and the Guru Parampara )
1) Cleansing of Nadi
One day I felt that something was climbing on top of my skin, like some bugs walking on my body. I really felt their legs, making small pain on my body when they placed each step. Slowly it rose to my face trough throat. Several times I checked with my hand, but there was nothing to be found. Whenever I check with my finger I lost my concentration and there was no feeling left.
Yogiraj told me not to be hesitant about this kind of feeling, when cosmic energy passes through our body it cleanses the Nadi. At the time of cleansing our Nadi we feel itching sensation or pain at that place. We have to concentrate on that feeling, So that we can receive more and more cosmic energy.
Another day I was watching carefully the path of the sensation in my body while doing meditation. First it passed through my back side of the body then came slowly to my face through the neck. It passed every corner of my face. It was itching especially when it went through my nose. Then the cosmic energy went to my left ear. Many times it passed through the outer side of my ear. It was too itchy for me. Still I carefully watch the movement without losing my concentration. Suddenly it went inside my ear. First I felt the pleasure making sensation but suddenly it open its wings and try to fly like a dragon fly then pleasure changes to pain. Same time one electric shock passed through my brain also. At that time I could not control myself. I lost my concentration and opened my eyes.

This kind of sensations last several months after that it slowly reduces. Then a new kind of sensation started. It was existed only on my forehead. The flow of cosmic energy starts from my left eyebrows to upper side of my left ear. It was a pulling feeling from inside. (I felt that a needle with twine was put inside the skin from left eyebrow to my left ear and somebody was pulling the twine from back side). I felt the same for two months when I was doing my meditation every day. But I was amazed that I felt no such sensation during any of the weekly Satsangh I attended.
I was attending a Satsangh with Guruji in ashram. That day one lady was explaining about one of her extra sensory perception experiences. I was listening the same carefully. During a certain moment, suddenly I experienced a high level of energy feeling in the form of goose bumps. It’s a common feeling to experience this when one get excited. But it was for a few second. In my case I felt it in large scale say for one minute. The energy flow started from my head region and came down to my feet like an electric wave and it lasted few seconds. I could feel the same in my whole body. It was a kind of pleasure I never experience before.
After this experience I never felt the other kind of sensations I explained before. Every time when I receive high amount of cosmic energy I felt the same. I think most of the Nadis in my body are cleansed. The experiences with our great guruji's are never ending.
To be continued..
(From Pranayogakriya Journal,2012)

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